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Who we are

A picture of Simon Boardman the CEO & founder of Shadow Seller.

Simon Boardman

Company founder, marketing & sales leader, experienced seller & serial victim of the perpetually "old school" sales theory & training.

Bill Wallace

Bill is an experienced executive leader skilled in sales growth, strategic sales and marketing, and global account management. He excels in retooling Go-to-Market strategies and coaching, with over $6B in deals worldwide. His expertise is crucial in AI-driven sales enablement


Mark Handron

Mark has built and led teams who drive revenue both directly and through  strategic alliances and partnerships. Through a 20+ year career as an individual sales contributor, sales leader, coach, channel and alliance GTM leader, Mark has gained a deep understanding of the critical success factors for sales teams and leaders. Mark's experience in sales training and method are invaluable in this new world of AI enablement & readiness for sellers.

Andy McCartney

Andy is Head of AI Services at Shadow Seller. He brings 25+ years of enabling and onboarding customers with analytics and AI technologies. This includes: speech recognition, text-to  speech, RPA/agents, predictive AI forecasting, GenAI assistants for business productivity, GenAI custom GPT's and workflow automation. ​​



The new kid on the team is our AI sales side kick Shadow. Just like your real shadow he's always there - watching out for you. A shadow is unobtrusive, but ever present, providing you advice, insights and support, whenever you need it. 


Shadow wants to shake up the sales in three ways:


  • Getting sellers (veterans & "less" veteran alike) better prepared, faster and with less effort.

  • Allowing sales leaders to coach the team (without being solely dependent on themselves to do it), help the team raise their game, be more consistent and save money on training.

  • Helping the part time sellers, account directors and others in business development.


A picture of the Shadow Seller.

Get in Touch

Do you have questions or want to learn more about Shadow Seller? Drop us a line and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Thanks for Reaching Out!

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