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Welcome to Shadow Seller

At Shadow Seller, we are a team of technology, sales, and marketing leaders who have come together to develop Shadow, an advanced AI-powered sales enablement tool. Shadow is more than just AI—it’s your path to transforming how your sales teams learn, strategize, and grow.

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What is Shadow?


Shadow is a fully customizable AI-powered sales readiness software, designed specifically for B2B sales teams. By integrating the most effective B2B sales methodologies with behavioral psychology insights, Shadow combines your organization’s content with that of your target prospect and transforms it into a powerful sales enablement tool. This isn’t just any AI—it’s your exclusive, high-performance sales coach, built to supercharge your team’s productivity and sales outcomes.


The GPT Wild West

The world is experimenting with GPTs, and many businesses are already using tools like Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT, or Gemini. However, these general-purpose tools lack the customization and precision sales teams need. That’s where Shadow shines. Unlike generic GPTs, Shadow’s AI-powered sales coaching tool is fine-tuned with your sales and marketing content, giving your team personalized strategies, tactics, and insights tailored to their specific needs.


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Why Choose Shadow

As the AI-powered sales enablement landscape evolves, many organizations are hesitant to fully embrace AI due to confusion and the unpredictable results of generic GPTs. But delaying adoption could mean falling behind. With Shadow’s AI-powered sales coaching tool, your team won’t just experiment with AI—they’ll master it. Shadow transforms sales readiness by providing real-time, context-rich insights that are unique to your business, cross pollinated with your target market. This helps your sales team close more deals, faster.
Overview of AI-powered sales readiness software
The Power Behind Shadow


Shadow’s AI-powered sales readiness software combines several key components to ensure accurate and relevant responses:

  1. GPT-4 serves as the foundation, powering natural language generation. 

  2. The Shadow "Sales Encyclopedia", a curated body of best practices and modern sales strategies, helps your team navigate complex sales scenarios.

  3. Your organization’s Go-to-Market (GTM) content is fully integrated, making Shadow the most relevant and customized sales tool available.

  4. Your team can input specific prospect information (and we can gather it) allowing Shadow to deliver personalized advice and actionable insights quickly and at scale.


This approach to AI ensures your team gets the most out of every interaction, and Shadow evolves as a sales motion progresses to continually improve sales effectiveness.



Overview of AI-powered sales readiness software Vs Chat gpt

The above example shows how GPT responses can differ greatly, whether using a general-purpose GPT like ChatGPT or Shadow's custom GPT loaded/indexed with sales methodologies and the customer's go-to-market content.  On a lighter note, ask ChatGPT how it compares to a custom sales GPT, response here!

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Take the Plunge with Shadow


As businesses fumble with general AI tools, now is the time for your team to stand out. Shadow’s AI-powered sales enablement tool is built to simplify AI adoption and provide real value—quickly. Rather than sit on the sidelines, give your team a head start with Shadow.

Take the plunge with a proof of value and experience the difference of a custom AI-powered sales coaching tool that’s designed for success.

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