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Welcome to the “Savvy Seller” - Shadow Seller’s stories that spell out & simplify…

Welcome to Shadow Seller's blog, where we're all about ditching outdated sales methods for cutting-edge excellence. Here, we offer insights and strategies to boost the savvy of sales leaders, pros and CEOs. Dive into innovative sales tactics, bust myths, and discover hidden gems to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. Our posts are packed with practical tips and real-world examples to shake up your sales approach. Whether you're a sales vet looking for an edge, a sales leader trying to finally overcome some of those repetitive problems or a CEO aiming for growth, you've found your resource. Join us on this journey to sales success and stay tuned for content on making sales simpler and more effective. Welcome aboard Shadow Seller's world

Updated: 1 day ago

Just for gigs I recently went on Chat GPT and asked a question about how many “things” B2B sellers are supposed to do and be these days. I gave Chat 5 categories, as follows - the prospect company, the prospect industry, the prospect stakeholders, all their individual agendas (both personal and professional) the seller's company and solutions, the sellers thought leadership, POV and views on the prospect company and industry. I told Chat to stop when he got to 25 items within those categories. Chat came up with 25 in about 3 seconds!

Today, sellers are expected to be part strategist, part industry analyst, and part relationship manager, all while keeping pace with the changes in their industry and within their own solution lines. However, this multifaceted demand on sellers has reached a point where it's unfeasible. Recent data indicates a worrying trend in the industry. According to a survey by CSO Insights, only 53% of sales representatives are meeting or exceeding their quotas, a decline from previous years. This statistic starkly highlights the growing disconnect between what is expected of sellers and what they can feasibly achieve.

Acknowledging the Unrealistic Expectations

The first step in addressing the challenges faced by modern B2B sellers is to admit that the current expectations are unrealistic. The breadth and depth of knowledge required, coupled with the need to stay agile and responsive places an immense cognitive load on sellers. This overload not only hampers their effectiveness but also leads to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. And just to let you know – the Sales Enablement team is often referred to as Sales Disablement and often just provides another ball for sellers to juggle. Sellers just cannot remember everything – the result? Sellers forget things, even the basics. Add to this that buyers devote less time to sellers, meaning sellers have to be on top of their game all the time, every time.

The Burden of Carrying Team Quotas

This decline in quota attainment isn't just a problem for individual sellers; it has significant implications for companies, sales teams and leaders. With a smaller proportion of the team meeting their targets, the pressure mounts on top performers. In many organizations, it’s a small percentage of the salesforce – often referred to as the 'top 20%' – who end up carrying number. This imbalance not only creates a stressful environment for the top performers but also demotivates the rest of the team, leading to a cycle of underperformance and high turnover.

The Double-Edged Sword of Internal Responsibilities

In addition to external selling activities, B2B sellers also face a mountain of internal responsibilities. They are required to meticulously consider, plan and document their account strategies, presenting them to their managers to demonstrate a clear, coherent approach to each account – and defend them when inspected! This process, while crucial for ensuring strategic alignment, resources and accountability, adds another layer of complexity to the seller’s role. Balancing client-facing activities with internal strategizing and reporting is a tightrope walk, often leading to burnout and reduced effectiveness in both areas.

Conclusion - Shedding the light –

  • More training never worked and never will

Traditional sales training is yesterday’s news. It fails to address the complexities of modern sales roles and lacks the immediacy required in real-world selling scenarios. Traditional training methods are not available at the point of engagement with prospects, where sellers need support the most. This is where AI-powered sales coaching tools shine. By offering on-the-spot guidance and information, it ensures that sellers have access to the knowledge they need exactly when they need it, thus enhancing their ability to engage effectively with prospects.

  • The Role of Technology in Alleviating Cognitive Overload

Sellers are also faced with the paradox of choice when looking for tools to help them. A few tools are fabulous, most are disappointing. Enter ShadowSeller, an AI-powered sales readiness software which combats the issue of cognitive overload. Even the most experienced sellers are prone to forgetting crucial information or steps in the sales process, a problem that Shadow addresses effectively. By providing real-time, context-specific advice and insights, Shadow helps sellers navigate through the complex web of their responsibilities. Shadow gives them ideas, a road map, account plans, strategies, and tactics, all of which can be re-tasked to present to internal management. Shadow acts as an AI sales coaching tool, reminding them of what they already know (in some cases) and sharing new ideas in others.

With all the information out there and a growing list of responsibilities – we all need some help. The first stage is to admit it – and that’s ok, it’s part of life. The real problem is with the refusal to admit it or admitting it but doing nothing about it. In that way think of Shadow as as not just dealing with cognitive overload, but turning Cognitive dissonance into cognitive “offload.”

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Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Humans love to categorize things - Categorization drives the use of labels & lingo, and has reached epidemic proportions. We end up looking as confused, bemused and unamused as this guy (although we don't know whether giraffes share our passion for categorization.)

The Sales Lingo Labyrinth

Navigating the world of sales terminology & technology can sometimes feel like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. Every week, new buzzwords and concepts are thrown into the mix, lots of them mean the same things, and all of them promise to revolutionize selling. We've seen the emergence of everything from RevOps, Sales Engagement Platforms, and Conversational Intelligence, to Social Selling Tools, Predictive Sales Analytics, and Sales Ops Tech. It's a smorgasbord of terms that can leave even the most seasoned seller scratching their head.

But let's cut through the jargon. The crux of all these fancy terms is pretty simple: helping salespeople sell better. And that's where Sales Enablement comes in. Think of it as the Swiss Army knife in the salesperson’s toolkit. It's about arming your team with the right tools, info, and skills to win that sales battle.

Unpacking Sales Enablement

Sales Enablement isn’t (or shouldn't be) just a buzzword to throw around in meetings to sound smart. It's about equipping sales teams with everything they need to engage customers more effectively. This includes content, tools, knowledge, and insights. You need have your own company definition, and it's less important what that definition is, as its is that you actually have one and have agreed upon it!

However, with the advent of AI, we’re witnessing a new king of the jungle: Sales Enablement AI. This isn't your run-of-the-mill robot trying to sell you a used car. It's about using AI to make sense of the increasing demands, and the vast amounts of data & insights to provide actionable, practical advice to sales teams.

Shadow Seller come on down!

Imagine Shadow Seller as that wise-cracking sidekick in a buddy-cop movie – always ready with a witty comeback, but also with the smarts to back it up. Shadow Seller takes the chaos of the sales process and turns it into a walk in the park.

Shadow Seller is more than just another tool in the toolbox; it’s the tool that makes all the other tools look good. It’s your personal sales Yoda, offering advice, strategies, and even drafting your meeting agendas. It’s like having your own personal coach who's read every sales book ever written, and delivers the advice at the point you engage with the prospect - not 3 months ago (you do know that human beings forget 75% of what they learn within 24 hours!).

Cutting Through the Noise

The sales world is often guilty of overcomplication. We've all been there – sitting through endless sales training, nodding along while instructors talk about ideas we already know, using words we don't understand. Shadow Seller says, “Enough of that!” It’s not about piling more and more onto the salesperson’s plate; it’s about serving up just what’s needed, when it’s needed - "concise advice in the right amounts, right place, right time."

Shadow Seller takes a stand against the “more is better” mantra. It’s like having a filter that sifts through the endless sand of information and finds those few golden nuggets that can actually make a difference in your sales approach.

The AI Advantage

So, what makes Shadow Seller stand out?

  • First, it's all about speed and relevance. The platform uses AI to deliver fast, contextually accurate insights. It’s like having a crystal ball, but instead of vague predictions, you get precise, actionable advice.

  • Second, Shadow Seller AI uses existing AI models (like the renowned GPT-4) to provide nuanced advice. This isn’t just a robot regurgitating facts; it’s a platform that understands the subtleties and complexities of the sales process, enabling you to create preference from the "get-go."

The Bottom Line

In a world where salespeople are expected to be part-superhero, part-mind reader, and part-entertainer, Shadow Seller brings a sense of sanity. It’s a tool that acknowledges the absurdity of expecting sales teams to juggle a dozen roles while still hitting their targets.

Shadow Seller is about getting back to basics. It’s a no-nonsense approach in an industry often bogged down by its own cleverness. With Shadow Seller, you’re not just getting another sales tool; you’re getting a revolution in how sales is done.

Shining the light

In the end, Shadow Seller isn’t trying to reinvent the wheel. It’s more like it’s putting those fancy, high-tech tires on the wheel to make the ride smoother. In the ever-evolving circus of sales technology, Shadow Seller stands out as a beacon of simplicity and efficiency. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less really is more.

So, if you’re tired of navigating the labyrinth of sales technology, maybe it’s time to let Shadow Seller AI take the wheel. After all, in the world of sales, who couldn’t use a wise-cracking, AI-powered sidekick?

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I don’t usually write multiple blogs in the space of a few days but Andy Kessler’s article in the WSJ this morning has compelled me. Kessler is discussing concern, on the one hand, around ai, and the excitement on the other. Kessler uses a Silicon Valley investment metaphor (that of painkillers and vitamins) to help us in our categorization. Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m always warning against using these kinds of extreme positions and how humans gravitate toward them They make our lives easier (or we think they do). The question here is using Kessler’s advice, how does Shadow stack up? Vitamin or painkiller? Net contributor, or net destroyer? I think its both, and here’s why.

AI's Rollercoaster Ride in 11 Months

In a mere 11 months since OpenAI's ChatGPT was introduced, the AI landscape has expanded exponentially. New players and capabilities have emerged, extending beyond text into uncharted territories. The question that lingers: Will generative AI steal our jobs, lead to human extinction, or create unprecedented wealth? The answer, as always, is complex.

Some perspective:

  • Sam Altman's Vision: UBI and Existential Risks - Sam Altman, the mind behind OpenAI, envisions a future where AI shoulders an increasing share of human work. He predicts that by 2031, AI's profits could fund a universal basic income (UBI) of $13,500 per year for every American, even without them lifting a finger. Yet, Altman remains acutely aware of the grave existential risks AI brings to the table.

  • Venture Capitalist Vinod Khosla's Bold Prediction - Vinod Khosla joins the conversation, boldly declaring that within a decade, AI could handle 80% of 80% of today's jobs. However, he overlooks the fact that AI has the potential to create 80% more and better jobs, not just displace existing ones. And to quote Leslie Neilson in Naked Gun, "there's only a 50% chance of that."

Shadow as the Perfect Balance

Shadow embodies the duality of AI as both a painkiller and a vitamin in the realm of B2B sales. Here's how:

  • Painkiller Aspect: Streamlining Sales Operations

Shadow acts as a painkiller by automating some mundane sales tasks, allowing sales professionals to reclaim their time and focus on higher-value activities. It enhances efficiency, and effectiveness. It's the tool that eases the burdens and time constraints sellers confront. As we say; it helps sellers be better prepared, faster and with less effort. It a poster child for the idea of “working smarter, not harder.”

  • Vitamin Aspect: Fueling Revenue Growth

Shadow AI, in its vitamin role, empowers B2B sales teams to basically “be better.” You’d think if that’s true, sellers using Shadow will win more, therefore boosting revenue. Shadow provides personalized insights and recommendations that lead to higher conversion rates. And it’s not that Shadow is always sharing something you didn’t know (so all you cleverest people in the room can relax) they’re sharing subtleties and nuances. They’re reminding us, in this world of cognitive overload, about fundamental thoughts and ideas that are often forgotten or ignored.

Roy Bahat's Perspective: Looms, Slide Rules, and Cranes

Venture capitalist Roy Bahat offers a refined perspective, categorizing AI projects as looms (replacing workers), slide rules (assisting humans), or cranes (extending human abilities). Again, it’s hard to pick one category, it often depends on how you use such tools and how good you are at using them. Shadow is a slide rule AND a crane, assisting and extending the capabilities of sellers, not replacing them.

Shining a light - Shadow AI's Dual Role in B2B Sales

In the evolving realm of AI, Shadow embodies a delicate equilibrium. We are both a painkiller, streamlining sales for efficiency, and a vitamin, fueling effectiveness and success that leads to revenue growth. Our multifaceted nature extends beyond categorization, acting as both a slide rule, aiding daily tasks, and a crane, elevating capabilities.

We mentioned duality earlier, so not to wrap things up too dramatically, but maybe ai is even more similar to us, in that it possesses its own duality. You know, like Matthew Modine, as Pvt Joker, pointed out in Full Metal Jacket when being asked about having "born to kill" on his helmet and a peace symbol on his uniform - "you know the Jungian thing."

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