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Welcome to the “Savvy Seller” - Shadow Seller’s stories that spell out & simplify…

Welcome to Shadow Seller's blog, where we're all about ditching outdated sales methods for cutting-edge excellence. Here, we offer insights and strategies to boost the savvy of sales leaders, pros and CEOs. Dive into innovative sales tactics, bust myths, and discover hidden gems to streamline your workflow and enhance productivity. Our posts are packed with practical tips and real-world examples to shake up your sales approach. Whether you're a sales vet looking for an edge, a sales leader trying to finally overcome some of those repetitive problems or a CEO aiming for growth, you've found your resource. Join us on this journey to sales success and stay tuned for content on making sales simpler and more effective. Welcome aboard Shadow Seller's world

We posted a few weeks ago about the idea that Gen AI is the great equalizer and used the idea of the old TV show and more recent movies starring Denzel Washington. In his book “Co Intelligence: Living and Working with AI,” Ethan Mollick talks about how AI has the biggest impact on the poorest or average performers. "In study after study the people who get the biggest boost from AI are those with the lowest initial ability - it turns poor performers into good performers."

Well, that sounds plausible and great and all that – but where’s the use case in B2B sales & marketing. Well, there’s a few, and one example is the dreaded account planning mission. That’s when you all get together and identify, discuss and plan several target accounts that, for whatever reason, you feel like you should be doing business with. This is a great use case for a specialized GenAI (like Shadow). How so, I hear you ask.

Lets quickly run through the shortcomings of the generally used current process, accepting that even using the various information tools available, it remains a real drag.

1. Inefficient Use of Time and Resources

  • Excessive Time Spent on Research: While understanding your target account is important, spending too much time gathering information is a huge time suck…and it’s BORING. It slows down the sales cycle and ultimately reduces the number of prospects you can engage with.

  • High Cost of Customization: Crafting highly tailored messages for each target account is also resource-intensive and highly debated. This can be particularly costly for small to mid-sized companies with a limited marketing and sales bandwidth.

  • It’s a task that is too often assigned to opposite ends of the capability and cost spectrum – e.g. junior reps and junior marketing people on the one hand (but they’re cheap!), people sitting offshore with nothing else to do (and they’re cheaper!) and senior sellers at the other end of the spectrum.

2. Assumptions and Misalignment

  • Assuming Needs and Priorities: Even with thorough research, there is a risk of misinterpreting or overestimating the importance of certain needs and priorities of the target account. We’re all victims of bias, being overly influenced by mistaken assumptions - e.g. “Company X buys Sitecore services from us, so now we offer Salesforce services they should buy those from us as well!”

  • Only we know our customers – the misplaced confidence that only you know best.

  • We’ve got our ICP: (a personal favorite.) You’ve analyzed your customers and think you’ve identified the reason they did business with you. Notwithstanding the obvious, (like “we only sell blue cars, so we only want to sell to people who want blue cars!”), the assumptions are too broad. ICP’s are slanted towards you (often subconsciously) – that’s the antithesis of being customer centric and obsessed with personalization.

 3. Scalability Issues

  • Difficulty Scaling Personalization: As your target list grows, maintaining a high level of personalization becomes increasingly difficult. This can lead to inconsistent messaging quality and effectiveness. What happens is that the closer you get to the end of the list the more you’ll see repetition in the messaging.

  • Resource Strain: Over-reliance on personalized messaging for each account strains your sales and marketing teams, potentially leading to burnout and reduced overall performance. Once more boredom rears its ugly head.

4. Delayed Engagement

  • Slow to Market: The time taken to gather information and craft personalized messages delays your engagement with potential customers. In fast-moving markets, this can result in missed opportunities.

5. Overcomplication and Lack of Focus

  • Complex Messaging: Crafting overly detailed and complex messages can dilute your core value proposition. Clear, concise, and compelling messaging often resonates more effectively. But you have to find the balance – we live in the era of increasing personalization and doing it at “scale” is something of an oxy-moron.

Alternative Approach: Finding the Balance

Most of these intentions and ideas of what target account planning is about and how it's done are valid - they just take too long, cost too much and are fraught with assumptions and biases. Why wouldn’t you use AI tools to gather insights, automate parts of the research, help craft the messaging, and combine it all together? This helps streamline efforts and ensure more timely, relevant engagement with prospects. Go back to the original thesis – GenAI is an equalizer. Used properly, it gives small and mid-sized companies the intellectual horsepower and time bandwidth of larger companies. How so?

  • Time – (is money). Its hard to get a statistically valid estimate of the amount of time companies spend doing this, and as we all know anyway, there are three types of a lies – “lies, damn lies and statistics.” Anecdotally, and based on my own experience, we spend hours on this across multiple people (per account). Even with resources sitting offshore, using GenAI will still save you time, money and produce better, unbiased results.

  • Boredom – most of this type of work is a real drag. The uncomfortable truth is people don’t like it, and as the time goes by the quality of their work declines. The explosion in internet information has actually made it worse, ‘cos there’s so much information out there, and God forbid we miss something.

  • Bias - Teams will sit around and identify their USP's (biased), then make superficial connections between those and the target companies. A well tuned, specialist AI is incapable of those types of biases. It'll tell you where the synergies really exist between your two organizations, and they're probably not where you think they are!

And now the hanging pitch:

  • Can’t I just use Chat GPT? – Chat GPT can neither get to the detail of the target company nor can it match those details up to your most contextually relevant USP’s. A specialized Gen AI (which is correctly tuned) can.  

A specialized Gen AI (which is correctly tuned) is also totally objective. It might not tell you what you want to hear, but as Denzel Washington says in another one of his movies (Man on Fire), in this context GenAI is like a bullet “and a bullet always tells the truth.”

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Tyler Pearson High Iron -

Shadow Seller AI / FRONTLINE Selling

Shadow Seller AI and FRONTLINE Selling Forge Strategic Partnership

Cutting-Edge GenAI Solution Aims to Improve Sales Pipeline Success

Atlanta (June 24, 2024) — Shadow Seller AI, a leader in generative AI technology for sales enablement, and FRONTLINE Selling, an established expert in pipeline growth strategies, are excited to announce a strategic partnership. This collaboration will integrate Shadow Seller’s GenAI solution both internally at FRONTLINE Selling and across their extensive client base.

"Shadow revolutionizes sales by integrating best practices, personalized solutions, and market strategies with industry-specific insights. This AI-driven sales coach & mentor offers tailored advice and guidance, empowering sellers to navigate complex sales challenges—from account strategy development to managing prospect dynamics and competitive pressures. With Shadow, sellers can be better prepared, faster, while sales leaders enhance team performance with confidence in the coaching provided. Organizations benefit from reduced training costs and time, driving faster success and greater profitability."

Under the terms of the partnership, FRONTLINE Selling will:

  1. Implement Shadow internally to enhance operational efficiency and sales effectiveness.

  2. Position and integrate Shadow into their product offerings, providing their clients access to this advanced GenAI tool to improve their sales opportunity conversions & pipeline growth.

"FRONTLINE recognizes the strategic benefits and future potential of integrating Shadow into their operations, enhancing value to their clients," said Simon Boardman, CEO of Shadow Seller AI. "By adding Shadow to their toolkit, FRONTLINE aims to boost their clients’ sales team readiness and performance. Unlike many tools that burden sales teams with monitoring & reporting overhead, Shadow provides genuine value, empowering sellers rather than constraining them."

“Our goal has always been to generate the most qualified meaningful conversations for our clients so they can focus on creating growth opportunities within their organizations. What we have found, over time, is that the first call is becoming less and less tactical and more informational, resulting in fewer opportunities and longer sales cycles” said Jason Stone, President, and CEO of FRONTLINE Selling. “By using Shadow, sales reps can become better prepared and structured on these calls, driving value, strategic alignment, belief, and preference instead of just gathering and providing information. With Shadow you can build a blueprint for every call and progress through the sales process more tactically and with greater success. Timely, efficient preparation is key.” 


About Shadow Seller AI 

Shadow Seller AI is at the forefront of using generative artificial intelligence to revolutionize B2B sales. Their flagship product, Shadow, leverages machine learning and natural language processing to streamline sales coaching, readiness and enhance decision-making. For more information, visit:

About FRONTLINE Selling 

FRONTLINE Selling is committed to helping businesses increase their sales pipeline and drive revenue growth through innovative strategies and solutions. With a track record of success, FRONTLINE Selling equips companies to achieve their sales objectives with greater efficiency. For more information, visit:


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Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas in Dumb & Dumber the 1994 Peter Farrelly movie.

The 2024 Work Trend Index by Microsoft and LinkedIn delves into the increasing importance of AI skills in the workplace, how AI impacts businesses and employees, and the role organizations play in encouraging AI adoption. It also offers a glimpse into the future of work in the AI era, where success will hinge on the ability to collaborate with and utilize AI.

Spoiler alert - the report concludes pretty much that if you don't get your arms around AI, you'll be yesterdays news, consigned to the scrap heap of utility faster than a baby-boomer. Maybe you'll be as surprised as Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carrey) was the first time he realized that we'd been to the moon.

The 2024 Work Trend Index insists that AI skills are the new workplace gold. No surprise, what do you expect? But as skeptical as I can sometimes be, it's hard to argue with this conclusion. Anyhow - read on as we have reproduced a copy of the report summary:

The desire for AI skills is not just a passing fad; it's a reflection of the transformative impact AI is having on businesses across industries. From automating routine tasks to analyzing vast amounts of data, AI is enabling organizations to operate more efficiently, make better decisions, and innovate faster. As a result, the ability to understand, implement, and optimize AI solutions is becoming a critical competitive advantage.

However, the advantage with AI skills is not just about proficiency with tools; it's also about mindset. More than half (52%) of AI users at work are reluctant to admit they are using it for their most important tasks, and a similar proportion (53%) worry that using AI for important work makes them look replaceable. These fears are understandable when employees are not receiving AI guidance from their leaders; in fact, only 39% of people globally who use AI at work have gotten AI training from their company. If leaders want AI-skilled talent, they need to create a working environment that encourages experimentation and learning with enterprise safe AI tools. Managers and employees alike need to embrace a mindset where AI is seen as a collaborator, not a competitor.

For example, as a manager, I encourage my teams to incorporate AI into their work. I systematically ask them, "Did you use an AI tool to check your writing or help brainstorm new ideas?" If they haven't, I request they do so before we debrief. To facilitate this, I even cover their subscriptions to AI tools like ChatGPT or Copilot. I tell them that using AI is a sign of smartness, not of weakness.

I believe that managers should advocate for this approach. Employees should think of utilizing AI like any other everyday work technology such as Excel for calculations. You never hear someone say that Excel performed the calculations; they will always say that they have done it. In the same way, when we use AI to improve a report, it is not AI that did the report, it is us, with the support of AI. AI usage should become a standard practice, as natural as using other technical tools that have become common in the workplace.

AI is a tool that augments and enhances their capabilities, not one that replaces them. This means recognizing that the value of human skills - creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence - is not diminished, but elevated in an AI-driven workplace. Those who are embracing AI first are seeing that edge. AI power users are familiar to extremely familiar with AI, using it at work at least several times a week and saving more than 30 minutes a day. Power users say AI makes their overwhelming workload more manageable (92%), boosts their creativity (92%), and helps them focus on the most important work (93%)—and it helps them feel more motivated (91%) and enjoy work more (91%).

Organizations have a critical role to play in fostering this mindset shift. By providing training and support for AI adoption, creating a culture of experimentation and learning, and recognizing and rewarding the unique contributions of human skills, they can help employees navigate this transition with confidence. At the same time, individuals have a responsibility to proactively develop their AI skills and to approach AI as an opportunity for growth and development.

The message is clear: in the AI era, your success will be determined not just by your traditional skills and experience, but by your ability to work with and leverage AI. In the near future, you will not be replaced by AI, but by a person using AI better than you. The rise of AI in the workplace represents a paradigm shift that requires a collective readjustment - in our skills, our mindsets, and our understanding of what it means to succeed and find fulfillment at work. By approaching this shift with openness, adaptability, and a commitment to lifelong learning, we can harness the power of AI to create a workplace that is not just more productive, but more human. The future of work is here, and it's an exciting one for those ready to embrace it.

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